✨ when life changes because of pregnancy ✨

I loved my life the way it was,
but life changes because of pregnancy! 😊

I loved my body the way it was &
have always been very proud of my beautifully toned belly,
but the belly changes during pregnancy! 😊

I loved my way of “intermittent fasting”, a tasty glass of wine here and there & my way of yoga,
yet all of that had to change due to the new life growing within me! 😊

My yoga practice was always very focused on my center, on my solar plexus: It made me a very disciplined person with great stamina.

Over the years, however, I also have learned to integrate the Yin more and more into my life:
Not always just persevering and actively doing, but also consciously pausing and allowing myself to receive!

Nevertheless, my personal yoga practice remained rather focused on Yang, as my body needs a lot of movement
& I also feel most comfortable in a well-trained body.

20ieth week of pregnancy

By now I’m in the 20ieth week of pregnancy & my body, my life and my yoga practice have changed a lot:

My belly is no longer beautifully toned, intemittent fasting is no longer possible, I have had to skip my tasty glasses of wine here and there and I’ve also had to completely change my yoga practice!

& sometimes these changes make me a little wistful …

I see the planes in the sky and think to myself here and there: “Wow, it’s been so long since I’ve flown” …

& then I consciously go into my FEELINGS, into total ACCEPTANCE of all my feelings … allow them to be … stroke my big tense belly & then usually have to smile …

I often ask this soul in my big belly:

“Who are you?”

“How do we know each other?“

… and then I am filled with peace & love & confidence …

& hear this sentence over and over again: “Finally we will be together again!”

& the voice of confidence takes over again:




Jelka - Yoga the world - pregnant with 40, when the body & life change because of pregnancy …

My new routine for body, mind & soul

My mantra for life is: “There are only solutions!” … & … hence I have now found a new routine for myself that makes me happy:

To stay physically fit and toned, I walk a lot. In my Khalsa Way pregnancy yoga teacher training, the trainer recommended walking a lot during pregnancy. Above all, conscious walking in nature strengthens our root chakra, our connection to Mother Earth and therefore our trust in life and ourselves. We need this trust for pregnancy, birth and our new role as a mother!

To “cleanse” my mind, I meditate or do energy work, just as I did before pregnancy.

I connect with my soul best in nature, or when meditating or doing energy work!

& so I accept this new chapter in my life over and over again … & always find new solutions!

One of my South African teachers – Alan Davie – once told me: “ALWAYS STAY ADABTABLE TO CHANGE!”


& so I keep growing, as my life is changing because of pregnancy!😊