1st Chakra – Muladhara

Your 1st chakra is also called ROOT CHAKRA, BASE CHAKRA or MULADHARA CHAKRA.

It is located at the base of the spine between the anus, genitals and coccyx. The earth is its element. Its color is red.

Themes of the 1st chakra

Confidence, Strength, Self-preservation are the themes of our basechakra. When the energy is flowing in the 1st chakra, we are confidently grounded, feel safe and secure in life, allow us to be vulnerable, see problems as challenges, live in the here and now, trust in the process of life and value ourselves!

Health problems in the spine, lower back, legs and feet belong to the energetic area of the 1st chakra. The solid structures in the body, the bones, the entire skeleton and the teeth are also influenced by the root chakra. As the base of the spine, it determines immobility or flexibility, defense or openness.

If the energy in the root chakra is unbalanced, we usually have a fearful personality. On a physical level, constipation, lower back pain and sciatica problems, for example, have to do with a root chakra imbalance.

If the energy in the root chakra is balanced, we feel safe and secure in life, allow ourselves to be vulnerable, see problems as a challenge, live in the here and now, trust in the process of life and appreciate ourselves!

Activation and harmonization of the root chakra

  • the color red: red clothes, red food
  • aromatherapy: stimulation of the sense of smell, e.g. rosemary in a fragrance lamp or in a full bath
  • Stones: ruby, obsidian
  • contact with the element earth, conscious grounding, gardening, walks (ideally barefoot), jogging, dancing
  • physical work
  • foot massages
  • deep breathing into the root chakra
  • yoga: baby pose, warrior, tree, life nerve stretching, crow, Sufi circles, camel ride, Mulbhanda
  • AFFIRMATIONS for your 1st chakra, also called ROOT CHAKRA, BASE CHAKRA or MULADHARA CHAKRA:

    ❤️ I feel safe and secure in life!
    ❤️ I allow myself to be vulnerable!
    ❤️ I see problems as a challenge!
    ❤️ I live in the here and now!
    ❤️ I trust in the process of life!
    ❤️ I appreciate myself!
    ❤️ I am! I allow myself to be! I have the right to be!
    ❤️ I stay where I am! I allow myself to stay where I am! I have the right to stay where I am!
    ❤️ I exist! I allow myself to exist! I have the right to exist!